Share Data to all or specific views in Laravel

Most of the time when developing a Laravel application, we stumble upon a case where we need to share some data to all the views of our application or some part of the views. In this blog, we will learn how to share data to all or specific views in Laravel. To solve this case, Laravel provides us View::share() method. Let's dive into the details on how to use it.
Basic Usage
The View::share() method is used to share data to all views of the application. This method accepts two arguments. The first argument is the key of the data that we want to share, and the second argument is the value of the data.
Here is an example of how to share data to all views of the application:
In the above example, we have shared the data with the key foo and value bar to all views of the application. We can share multiple data by calling the View::share() method multiple times. Now in our blade file, we can access the shared data like this:
Here I have used a ViewComposerServiceProvider to share the data to all views. You can also share data in the boot() method of the AppServiceProvider.
Share Data to Specific Views
In the above example, we have shared the data with the key foo and value bar to the view named blade-view-name. Now in our blade file, we can access the shared data like we before {{ $foo }}.
Share Data to Multiple Views
Real World Example
Tips 💡
We can clean up our Service Provider with a dedicated class for the view composer.
To learn more about view composers, you can check out the official Laravel documentation here.
Various data like, system settings, user data, etc. are perfect for sharing data to all or specific views. Laravel provides us with a simple and elegant way to share data to all or specific views using the View::share() method. I hope this blog helps you to understand how to share data to all or specific views in Laravel.
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