- Tools that I use.

Curated list of tools, apps and services that I use everyday.

I regularly get asked about my favorite tools, apps and services. I've compiled a list of the ones I use everyday to make my life easier and productive.




  • Laravel

    My PHP framework for web development.

  • Vue.js

    For building user interfaces.

  • Nuxt.js

    For building Vue.js applications.

  • Drizzle

    My ORM for Node.js with type-safe DB access.

  • TypeScript

    Typed JavaScript that I use.

  • PEST

    My testing framework for Laravel.

  • Tailwind CSS

    For building custom designs quickly.

  • Bootstrap

    For developing responsive web projects.

Editors, IDEs & Terminal Emulators



  • PostgreSQL

    My go-to object-relational database.

  • MySQL

    My widely used relational database.

  • SQLite

    My lightweight, serverless SQL database.

  • MongoDB

    My document-oriented NoSQL database.

  • Redis

    My in-memory data store for caching and more.

Chrome Extensions


Desktop Apps

  • Raycast

    Best Productivity tool for developers on macOS. Iphone App Coming Soon.

  • Arc Browser

    A sleek, modern browser. Referral link

  • Figma

    For vector graphics and prototyping.

  • Notion

    My note-taking and organization app.

  • Blender

    My free 3D creation suite.

  • Termius

    My SSH and SFTP client.

  • TinkerWell

    For tinkering with Laravel apps.

  • Bruno

    A modern alternative to Postman.

  • Spotify

    My music streaming service.

  • Ice

    Menubar management for macOS.

  • OnlySwitch

    Open-Source All in one menubar utility app for macOS.

  • Monitor Control

    Controls monitor brightness on macOS.

  • RunCat

    The cat's running on mac menubar will tell you the CPU usage of your Mac.

  • Herd

    One click PHP development environment with zero dependencies.

  • JetBrains Toolbox

    Tools and utilities for JetBrains products.

  • CleanShot X

    Screenshot tool for macOS.

  • Dato

    Menubar calendar for macOS.

  • TablePlus

    Modern, native, and friendly GUI tool for relational databases

  • Unclutter

    Adds new space on macos to organize files, notes and clipboard data

  • Amie

    Create and manage notes quickly.

  • FilmNoir

    Track my favorite movies and series including trakt.


  • Homebrew

    My package manager for macOS.

  • Oh My Zsh

    My shell framework for managing Zsh.

  • nvm

    My node version manager.

  • Bun

    A fast JavaScript package manager replacing npm, yarn and pnpm.

  • Composer

    My dependency manager for PHP.

  • bat

    A better cat command.

  • lazygit

    A simple terminal UI for git commands.


