What are Laravel Pipelines?

Laravel's Pipeline is a design pattern that allows us to pass data through a series of pipes or stages, each performing a specific operation. This approach promotes clean. modular, and maintainable code by separating complex tasks into manageable steps.
In this article, we'll explore Laravel Pipelines in detail and learn how to implement them in our applications.
Understanding the Pipeline Concept
Imagine a scenario where a customer applies a coupon code to their shopping cart. The coupon must pass though several validation checks before being applied. Each check can be represented as a pipe in the pipeline.
Here's a simple example of a pipeline that validates a coupon code:
In this example, we have a $coupon record that needs to be validated. So before applying the coupon, we want to do the following tasks:
- Check if the coupon exists in the database. CouponExists::class
- Validate the coupon code. ValidateCoupon::class
- Check the coupon usage limits. CheckCouponUsage::class
These are the pipes or stages of our one bigger task, which is to apply the coupon. Let's break down the pipeline process step by step.
We start by getting an instance of Pipeline from the Laravel service container.
Next, we pass in our $coupon object to the pipeline. This object will be passed through each pipe in the pipeline.
We define some basic classes that represent the pipes in our pipeline. Each class will have a handle method that performs a specific operation on the data which is $coupon in this case.
Finally, we call the thenReturn method to execute the pipeline. The $coupon object will be passed through each pipe, and the result will be returned.
Instead or thenReturn, we can also use then method to stop the pipeline execution and return the result. Example:
Creating a Pipeline
The Pipe classes (CouponExists, ValidateCoupon, CheckCouponUsage) in the pipeline are responsible for performing specific tasks. These classes will have a handle method that receives the data as our first argument. The second argument is a closure $next that allows us to pass the data to the next pipe in the pipeline which is similar to the concept of middleware in Laravel.
Here are the basic examples of the pipe classes:
So, each pipe class will have a handle method that receives the data and a closure $next as arguments. The handle method will perform a specific operation on the data and pass it to the next pipe in the pipeline.
Benefits of Using Pipelines
- Modularity: Each pipe in the pipeline is responsible for a specific task, making the code more modular and maintainable.
- Reusability: Pipes can be reused in different pipelines, reducing code duplication.
- Flexibility: You can easily add, remove, or reorder pipes in the pipeline to change the behavior of the process.
- Readability: Pipelines make the code more readable by breaking down complex tasks into smaller steps.
Laravel utilizes the pipeline pattern internally, such as in middleware handling, showcasing its effectiveness in managing complex workflows. By using this pattern, we can create robust and maintainable systems that are easy to extend and modify.
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