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From Macros to Mixins: Elevating Your Laravel Projects

3 min read
From Macros to Mixins: Elevating Your Laravel Projects

In the previous article, we explored Laravel Macros and learned how to extend Laravel's core functionality with custom macros. We covered the basics of macros, how to define them, and how to use them to enhance your Laravel applications. In this article, we'll take a step further and explore advanced techniques for managing Laravel Macros using the mixin method provided within the Macroable trait. We'll learn how to organize and maintain Macros effectively, enhancing the flexibility and maintainability of Laravel projects.

Understanding Mixins

In the context of Laravel Macros, mixins refer to a technique that allows developers to group related macros into dedicated classes, enhancing code organization and maintainability. By utilizing mixins, developers can encapsulate related functionality within separate classes, promoting code readability and modularity.

Refactoring Macros with Mixins

In the previous article, we created a macro to extend Illuminate\Support\Str class, to convert a number to nepali number and another to convert a byte to a human-readable size format.

Now, let's refactor these macros into their own dedicated class. Let's create a new class called StrMixin inside app/Mixins directory and move the macros into this class.

Now, let's use the mixin method to register the StrMixin class within the AppServiceProvider or your custom service provider. I will use the MacroableServiceProvider for this example.

Now, we can use the toNepaliNumber() and toHumanReadableSize() methods from Str class anywhere in our application to convert english number to nepali number and bytes to human-readable size format, respectively.


In this article, we explored advanced techniques for managing Laravel Macros using the mixin method provided within the Macroable trait. We learned how to organize and maintain Macros effectively, enhancing the flexibility and maintainability of Laravel projects. By refactoring related macros into dedicated classes using mixins, we can encapsulate related functionality, promote code readability, and enhance the modularity of our Laravel applications.

If you have any questions or need further clarification on Laravel Macros and Mixins, don't hesitate to reach out. Happy coding!

Written By Anuz Pandey

Anuz Pandey is a multi-disciplinary designer and developer with a passion for creating visually stunning and user-friendly digital experiences. He has been working in the industry for over 5 years. He is currently working as a freelance designer and developer and is available for hire.


  • Laravel
  • Laravel Mixin
  • PHP
  • Laravel Macros