Generate RSS Feed with Nuxt 3 and Nuxt Content v2

My portfolio website is built using Nuxt 3 and Nuxt Content v2. In this blog article, I will be explaining how to create an RSS feed for your Nuxt 3 project using Nuxt Content v2 and how to configure it to generate a RSS feed that is optimized for search engines.
Initial Setup
I hope you already have a nuxt 3 project set up and configured with Nuxt Content v2. The content directory might look something like this:
Each content .md file must have some frontmatter to define the content's title, description, date, and other metadata. For example, the file might look like this:
Install RSS Package
We will use the RSS package to generate the RSS feed. Install it using the following command:
Create Server Routes
We will use the server routes in Nuxt by creating a server/ directory in the root of our project. Inside this directory, we will create a new directory called routes/blogs/ and add a file called rss.xml.ts inside it.
This file will be available at the /blogs/rss.xml route.
If we now visit the /blogs/rss.xml route, we will see the RSS feed generated for our blog posts.
So this is it, with this article, I hope you have gained a better understanding of how to create an RSS feed for your Nuxt 3 project using Nuxt Content v2 and how to configure it to generate a RSS feed that is optimized for search engines.
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